As we approach spring there’s always the possibility of hearing a whooshing sound above your head, along with a rather scary screeching noise. Yes it’s magpie swooping season!

But do not fear, although magpies might look a little intimidating they are just giving you a warning. Their sole intention is to protect their young by keeping you away from their eggs or newly-hatched chicks.

The male will defend the nest from when the eggs are first laid until the young birds are fledged.

Their breeding season is between August and October; so here’s some handy tactics to avoid being swooped while in their territory.

Walk, don’t run. If you are really concerned, place your folded arms above your head to protect your head and eyes.Walk with others, as swooping birds usually target individuals Don’t deliberately provoke or harass the birds as they can become more aggressiveProtect your head with a large, wide brim hat, bike helmet or carry an open umbrellaWear glasses to protect your eyesWatch the magpie while walking as they are less likely to swoopIf you’re on a bike, dismount and walk through the bird’s territoryTry to avoid the area. Do not go back after being swooped. Australian magpies have a great memory and you will be a target, if you persist on entering their nesting area.

You can also keep track of recent attacks around Australia, as well as record your own experience at Magpie Alert, a handy website that tracks aggressive magpies across Australia.