A unique chance for young people to amplify their stories about their life in the Isaac region is being offered through the national broadcaster.

Heywire is an opportunity for young rural Australians to have their voices heard, and share what life is like in their part of the world with the rest of the nation.

This annual storytelling competition, run by the ABC, showcases what it's like to live in regional, rural and remote Australia.

Isaac Regional Council Mayor Anne Baker said the creative pure people power of the region’s youth is undeniable.

“It's not always easy to write a story about ourselves. Sometimes we don't know what we want to talk about, or we don't know how to start,” she said.

“Because of this, we want to offer the youth of Isaac the opportunity to develop skills in an online Heywire storytelling workshop, where an ABC producer takes you through the storytelling process, from helping you find your own unique story to then getting your thoughts and ideas on paper.

“The workshop also includes videos of true stories from past Heywire winners, and plenty of opportunity for discussion and to ask questions.”

The free online workshop on Monday 7 September at 4pm is open to Isaac residents aged 16-22 years old and are encouraged to register via https://speakup.isaac.qld.gov.au and follow the prompts. Participants will be sent a link to join the online workshop - you must have internet capabilities, and a microphone and camera is preferable for full interaction.

ABC Director of Regional & Local, Judith Whelan said Heywire is an important platform for young people living outside of the big cities to have their voices heard. “We’re proud to celebrate the stories of a new generation of Australian storytellers,” Ms Whelan said.

Heywire is a chance for young people to have their story told on ABC platforms including ABC TV, Radio National, Local Radio, triple j and iview. Entries are open now and close on 16 September 2020 via https://www.abc.net.au/heywire/competition/. Heywire acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment; the Department of Education, Skills and Employment; the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications; the Department of Health; the Department of Social Services; and AgriFutures Australia.