With spring approaching, the City of Wanneroo is encouraging residents to dispose of waste safely as they clear out sheds and garages.

Residents should not discard batteries, motor oil and other hazardous waste in kerbside bins. The City does not collect these dangerous materials via its kerbside bin or bulk waste verge collection services, as they pose a risk to waste services staff and can cause costly damage to equipment.

Instead, residents can take advantage of a number of drop-off centres to unload batteries, motor oil and other waste free of charge at:

Wangara Greens Recycling Facility, 70 Motivation Drive, Wangara; Tamala Park Recycling Centre, 1700 Marmion Avenue, Mindarie; and Recycling Centre Balcatta, 238 Balcatta Road, Balcatta.

Some private enterprises also provide oil and battery disposal options.

The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program also allows residents to dispose of a variety of unwanted household products including paints, pool chemicals, aerosols and engine coolant at locations across Perth including Tamala Park Recycling Centre and Recycling Centre Balcatta.

Safety tips for transporting hazardous waste

Take the following precautions when transporting household hazardous wastes:

Always handle hazardous wastes carefully – avoid direct contact with your skin and wear gloves. Place hazardous waste containers in plastic tubs or trays to capture any spills or leaks. Keep corrosive chemicals away from poisons. Place containers in the corner of your car boot and pack the sides so they will not tip or roll around. If transporting in a hatchback, car keep at least one window open for ventilation. If possible, do not transport hazardous wastes with children or animals in the car. Double wrap old containers in leak-proof plastic bags. At the drop-off centre, ask for assistance from the depot staff to remove your hazardous wastes from the car. If you have any hazardous wastes with labels that are not readable, and you know the contents, place a note on the container. This will help the council safely dispose of the hazardous waste. Advise depot staff of any containers with unknown contents.

Properly disposing of hazardous waste helps protect our community and the environment. Find out more about the City’s waste and recycling waste services at our website.

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