Watch out for swooping birds

Published on 10 September 2020

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is urging residents to be careful in coming months and to watch out for swooping birds.

It’s spring, which means that breeding birds such as magpies and Masked Lapwings (commonly known as plovers) may become territorial and protective of their nests. 

In early spring each year, birds have eggs or young in the nest. Territorial birds are known to swoop people riding their bikes, walking their dog or running.  

If residents encounter this “swooping” behaviour, remember: 

the birds are just protecting their territory  swooping is part of their natural behaviour it’s best to avoid the location where these birds are nesting for the next couple of months  chasing birds only provokes them and exacerbates the problem moving nests won’t fix the problem either, as they tend to come back to the same spot each year.  

There is more information available on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website. This website also has a map where you can nominate the site where you were swooped. 

Magpies are protected under Victorian law which means they cannot be trapped, injured or moved to another area.  

For more information, click here.