Community organisations are being encouraged to apply for the latest round of Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s donations and sponsorship program.

Around $50,000 was delivered to Snowy Monaro community organisations and events through the first round of the program in 2020. Applications will open on Wednesday 30 September with not-for-profit groups, individuals and events eligible to apply.

Snowy Monaro Regional Council Mayor Peter Beer is encouraging all community groups to turn their ideas into a reality through a Council donation and sponsorship.

“In the last round of donations, we handed out around $50,000 to organisations across our Snowy Monaro Region. We supported a range of wonderful causes and projects,” Mayor Beer said.

“To receive assistance you need to apply. We want to help as many organisations as possible, I encourage all groups to put an application in.”

This latest round of funding will support community projects and initiatives between January to June 2021.

Dozens of community groups received funding in the last round of the program. The Delegate Progress Association, Lake Jindabyne Sailing Club, Nimmitabel Advancement Group and Monaro Early Intervention Service were among the many organisations supported through Council’s donations and sponsorship program.

To apply, you can visit Council’s website or any Council office for an application form and an information pack outlining the guidelines for the donations and sponsorship program. Submissions close 5pm Wednesday 11 November 2020.

Council will decide the successful applicants at its December Council Meeting.

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