Proposed changes to notification requirements for Development Applications (DAs)
Council is proposing changes to simplify when and how the community is notified about Development Applications (DAs).
As a result of local government amalgamations, City of Parramatta Council currently has 9 sets of notification requirements which apply across our city. We have reviewed these requirements and consolidated them into one set, making it consistent and easier to understand.
The draft DA notification requirements will be on public exhibition until 9:00AM Monday 19 October 2020 and can be viewed at:
Council's Participate Parramatta engagement portal Council's Customer Contact Centre: 126 Church Street, Parramatta, between 9:00am - 3:00pm, Monday - Friday Council libraries (subject to Covid-19 restrictions - please check Council's website for further details)Written submissions must be received by 9:00AM Monday 19 October 2020 and can be made via:
For further information or queries, call the Development Assessments team on (02) 9806 5050 or email [email protected].