Councillor Lynley Miners has been re-elected as Snowy Monaro Regional Council Deputy Mayor for the remaining 12 months of Council’s term of office.

This term has been extended beyond September 2020 on a statewide basis across all Councils due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At tonight’s Ordinary Council Meeting, Clr Miners was elected unopposed to serve as the region’s deputy mayor until the postponed NSW Council Elections on Saturday 4 September 2021.

Mayor Peter Beer has congratulated Deputy Mayor Miners on his reappointment.

“I look forward to continuing to work with Lynley over the next 12 months to help our Snowy Monaro region deal with the ongoing drought, continue through recovery from the bushfires and prepare for the summer ahead, deal with the challenges of COVID-19 and continue to ensure our region is a wonderful place to live,” Mayor Beer said.

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