Last week, Snowy Monaro Regional Council took the decision to temporarily close the Bredbo, Nimmitabel and Numeralla Transfer Stations.

The temporary closure was due to the identification of asbestos at the Nimmitabel Transfer Station. A member of the Nimmitabel community identified the asbestos and alerted Council to the issue.

As a result of this, Council also inspected the Bredbo and Numeralla Transfer Stations and identified the presence of asbestos. Safework NSW and the Environmental Protection Authority have been alerted and an environmental hygienist was also engaged to prepare a report and issue clearance certificates.

Council anticipates the remediation works will be relatively straight forward but until clearance is provided the transfer stations will remain temporarily closed. Council is also assessing all other transfer stations.

“While the presence of asbestos is concerning, this is a good example of Council working with the community to achieve a better and safer outcome for the broader community,” Council’s Chief Operating Officer Jeff Morgan said.

“Council acknowledges the disruption the closures have caused.”

Council will provide a further update later this week when we receive clearance to open the transfer stations.

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