If you’re passionate about seeing the Snowy Monaro’s arts and culture sector progress, there is still time to have your say on a discussion paper that will guide the sector’s future.

The public exhibition period for the Snowy Monaro Arts and Culture Discussion paper has been extended until Sunday 11 October to allow our community more time to provide feedback.

This discussion paper is designed to spark conversation amongst decision-makers, those who actively participate and engage in the arts, as well as encourage the broader community to better understand and appreciate the contribution arts makes to our society.

Chair of the Snowy Monaro Arts and Culture Committee, Councillor Sue Haslingden, is encouraging the community to have their say on the discussion paper to help strengthen the region’s arts and culture sector.

“Our region has the potential to become one of Australia’s exciting and vibrant arts and culture regions,” Clr Haslingden said.

“The discussion paper will ultimately help us get a framework in place that will allow us to work with the various levels of government and inspire our community.”

Our region boasts a talented cohort of artists, musicians, authors and others involved in the arts and cultural pursuits, all who contribute to the Snowy Monaro’s sense of community.

As a passionate artist, Councillor Haslingden hopes people recognise the important role the arts play in day-to-day life.

“People receive positive relaxation and wellbeing effects of art. I find art is a great way to express yourself, whether you are writing, painting or dancing,” she said.

Copies of the discussion paper are available on Your Say Snowy Monaro or at any Council office, library and visitors centre. Feedback can be provided through writing to Council, completing an online survey through Your Say Snowy Monaro or by completing a hard copy survey at any Council office. It is recommended to have a copy of the discussion paper with you when completing the survey.

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