Moree Plains Shire Council and operators of the Jellicoe Park Markets (the 1st Moree Scout Group) are working on a COVID-19 Safe Plan to enable the Jellicoe Park Markets to re-open in the near future.
Director of Planning and Community Development, Angus Witherby, has explained the process involved to getting the markets back up and running.
“There are a number of hurdles to overcome before the markets can return,” said Mr Witherby.
“Current NSW Health Orders limit the number of people who can attend at any one time. A gated site has been the most obvious solution to managing the number of people attending, which poses challenges for using the current Jellicoe Park site. We are currently working with the operators to determine an appropriate way to manage this issue and also working through the requirements of a COVID-19 Safe Plan.”
Mayor Katrina Humphries agreed, stating “We want to keep our community absolutely safe, but people also need to get out of the house and have a bit of fun”.
She reinforced that Council continued to seek comprehensive and well thought out COVID-19 Safety Plans.
“Getting these plans right is critical for our community. We are wanting the same high standard of plans from everybody.
“Other communities might do things differently – that is up to them - but our community expects and needs a gold standard approach”, Mayor Humphries concluded.
Angus Witherby, Director of Planning and Community Development said that as the virus situation was becoming less acute in NSW, there was more scope for these events.
“While Council did not play a role in the approval process for the recent food night market at the showground, we did work with the organisers to ensure they had a comprehensive COVID-19 Safe Plan in place before continuing with the event”, explained Mr Witherby.
Council outsources the organisation and operations of the monthly markets to the 1st Moree Scout’s Group, who are working together with Council to have the markets up and running before Christmas.