Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) will continue to investigate cost savings that could be achieved by moving to a new procurement approach for the next waste collection service contract.
TRC’s October Ordinary meeting this week (October 22) approved the process to allow Council to enter into a joint procurement for waste and recyclables collection services with Western Downs Regional Council (WDRC).
TRC Water and Waste Committee portfolio leader Cr Nancy Sommerfield said the joint approach for securing new waste and recyclables collection services offered a range of benefits to both councils and ratepayers.
Cr Sommerfield said TRC’s current waste and recyclables collection and bulk haul and processing of recyclables service contract would expire on June 30, 2023. The WDRC contract is due to expire in late 2022.
“The respective contract expiry dates offered a chance to further explore a joint procurement process that delivers separate contracts to each council,” Cr Sommerfield said.
“This approach has been adopted successfully by several other local government groups across Queensland.
“Waste management contracts are among Council’s largest and longest contractual agreements, so I welcome the chance to take advantage of a new business model.
“Apart from improving procurement efficiency, there are potential cost savings that can be achieved through economies of scale where a single contractor has the chance to secure multiple contracts.
“There will be further benefits from establishing a collaborative relationship with WDRC in anticipation of developing our operations to cater for any future waste management opportunities.
“The new contract approach has the potential to improve Council’s operational efficiency.
“Council is working to refine practices that will improve service delivery for residents, while also meeting legislative and environmental requirements.”