Please be advised that, weather permitting, water service replacement work has been programmed to commence in Goonda Street, Cooma.

The work will be carried out by contractors Interflow Pty Ltd.

This essential work is expected to commence 27 November 2020 and is expected to be completed on 11 December 2020. Works will be carried out between 7:30am and 5:00pm during this time (excluding weekends).

Permanent road closures will be required to ensure the safety of staff and the general public while this work is undertaken and will be in affect from 7:30am till 5:00pm. Local traffic movement will be permitted under site traffic control measures.

SMRC staff and Interflow will require access onto private property at times to complete water service replacement work

Water supply may be interrupted during the day while work is taking place. This interruption will be for a maximum of four hours around the middle of the day and affected residents will be notified the day before any interruption will take place.

Any road pavement, driveways and paths affected by the reconstruction work will be repaired or replaced as part of the project works.

Council apologises for any inconvenience this work may cause and asks residents and motorists to be mindful of construction crews and machinery that will be working on and around this project.

Any enquiries can be directed to Council’s Manager Water and Wasterwater Operations on 6451 1587 or our Water & Wastewater Supervisor David Freimanis on 0419 256 323.

Any enquiries can be directed to: Jess Dunstan, Manager Water and Wastewater Operations on 6451 1587 David Freimanis, Water & Wastewater Supervisor David Freimanis on 0419 256 323

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