Mareeba Shire Council maintains a variety of parks and open spaces such as recreational parks, waterway esplanades, streetscapes, footpaths and cycleways. Your feedback is important and is the starting point for community engagement which will assist with informing the development of this Strategy. This survey closes on Monday 1 February 2021.
Mareeba Shire Council is seeking feedback from residents and community groups to improve recreation facilities across the Shire.
Mayor Angela Toppin said Council would seek feedback from the community to guide the development of the Parks and Open Space Strategy. “Community engagement will be undertaken with the view to understand what residents want to see in terms of outdoor recreation facilities,” Cr Toppin said.
“We have many parks and open spaces across the Shire and this Strategy will establish a vision and strategic direction for these recreational areas.
“The purpose of the survey is to gather information from residents and community groups about how often they use the parks and open space, where they visit and what elements are important to them.”
The survey is available online at Council’s website and hard copies are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries.
Residents and community groups are encouraged to submit their feedback by Monday 1 February 2021.