Areas of the Snowy Monaro region experienced high winds yesterday resulting in loss of power to the Bombala pump station in Timor St. This is an isolated incident.

The pump station overflowed and some sewage entered the Bombala River. The spill was reported to the EPA and samples were taken for reporting purposes. There are no precautions that need to be taken as it was a minimal amount that reached the river.

Council’s Water Wastewater team were unable to get the pump working again immediately so the vacuum truck was utilised to empty the pump station through yesterday afternoon and last night. Council’s team are currently working to get the pump back up and running.

Residents should expect increased truck movement while the vacuum trucks are operating in the area to pump out the manholes and pump station.

Once installed, the new pump station currently being constructed at Timor Street will minimise the risk of this occurring again.

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