Buy Local - Cardinia Business Published: 1 December 2020

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Owen is encouraging the community to ‘buy local’ and support our local businesses as they recover from a tough year.

Cr Owen said it’s been an especially challenging year for local businesses as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions. 

“Our local businesses have faced a lot of uncertainty this year and many have suffered from the impacts of the pandemic and lockdown restrictions.  

“We need the help of everyone in the community to get our local businesses back on track.  

“When you need to buy something next, please consider buying locally,” Cr Owen said.

Council has made it easier than ever to support local businesses with a ‘Buy Local’ map. 

The map helps people find local businesses, and even post recommendations or photos to support businesses they love. 

Henty Ward Councillor Carol Ryan said the Buy Local map features a great range of goods and services from food and drink, education and training, to shopping, and beauty and wellbeing. 

“We’re encouraging people to support their local grocery shops, butchers, health food stores, accountants, gardeners, tradespeople, artists, and producers such as wineries and farmers as we all work as a community towards supporting each other, our great businesses, and the fantastic place we all call home,” Cr Ryan said. 

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