Residents are urged to avoid coming into direct contact with water at the Margaret River Rivermouth after routine testing has shown potentially unsafe levels of Escherichia coli.

Signs have been erected at the site in Prevelly and the cause is being investigated by the Shire of Augusta Margaret River.

Shire Environmental Health Officer Jacinta Hall said the warm, stagnant water coupled with recent rainfall could be contributing factors, and the Shire would continue monitoring key sites and managing signage as required.

“We put up signs based on bacterial levels, but river users also need to use their own judgement when considering swimming in any natural water body,” she said.

“Levels can increase or decrease between testing periods and we can’t test every spot in every local waterway.”

The Rivermouth is the only sampled site to have shown unsatisfactory levels of E. coli this swimming season.

Other sites tested include:

Flinders Bay near Redman Brook Hardy Inlet near Turner Caravan Park Hardy Inlet near storm water drains Margaret River at Barrett Street Weir Margaret River at the canoe landing Margaret River at Rendall Close Weir Gracetown beach near the mouth of the creek Gnarabup beach near the boat ramp Blackwood River near Alexandra Bridge campsite

The Rivermouth was resampled Thursday 10 December 2020, with updated results expected to be returned to the Shire mid next week.

High resolution images available here.