We’re forming a committee of people with lived experience of disability to advise Council on how we can improve access and inclusion and make Bayside better for everyone.
Expressions of interest to join the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee are now open until 31 January 2021.
We’re looking for a broad representation of people to take part in the Committee. If you experience a disability, or you care for or support a person with a disability in some way, please consider joining. We’ve got a lot to learn and a lot to improve; the best and fastest way to ensure we get our services and infrastructure right is to hear from the people who need and use them.
Bayside Mayor Laurence Evans OAM said the formation of the committee is an important step towards addressing the barriers that prevent people in Bayside from accessing, participating and being included in the day-to-day activities that many of us take for granted. “This committee originated from conversations with respected disability advocates in Bayside, including Jeff Naylor and Kate Stephens, and I thank them for their advocacy. I am looking forward to working with committee members in a positive partnership.”
As a Committee of Council, the Advisory Committee will have a direct influence on major strategic decisions and initiatives. The first mission of the Committee is help shape our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 (MPHWP) from the perspective of people with lived experience of disability. The MPHWP includes Council’s Disability Action Plan.
To find out more about the Committee or apply to join, please visit yoursay.bayside.vic.gov.au/disability-advisory-committee