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Sorell Council 8 Jan 2021

Council engaged ERA Planning & Environment to undertake an Open Space Strategy to understand how our community uses their parks, walkways and recreation areas; and to plan for the provision of parks and facilities into the future.

ERA ran a series of community engagement sessions during 2019 to gain the local knowledge of the community and their input on the future of public open space facilities and walkways. They also engaged with relevant Government Departments and local community groups. An online survey was available for those unable to attend a session. This feedback helped inform the draft copy of the Strategy developed for Council.

At the August 2020 meeting, Council resolved to release the Draft Open Space Strategy to the community for comment. The advertising period for the strategy was from 24 August until the 5 October 2020. Following the advertising period, 26 representations were received from 22 individuals. These representations have been considered and commented on in terms of the strategy and whether the concerns raised warrant any changes to the strategy approach or recommendations.

Council adopted the updated Open Space Strategy at the December 2020 meeting.

The Open Space Strategy agenda report outlines the submissions received on the draft including comments about where the representation sits in relation to the strategy, and whether there should be changes to the Strategy to address concerns raised. You can read the report on page 32 of the Council meeting agenda here: Council Meeting Agenda 15 December 2020 (11.8 MiB)

You can download a copy of the Open Space Strategy here: Open Space Strategy 2020 (4.3 MiB)