Work continues in the planning and preparation phases of the Bobeyan Road upgrade which involves the resealing of 27km of road.

To date, the completed aspects of the project include: •Physical Survey •Geotechnical Surveys •Review of Environmental Factors including Aboriginal Heritage •Traffic Surveys •Biodiversity Surveys

Council is aware that these completed aspects are not visible to the public at this point in time, so determined that an update would be useful to advise the community how the project is progressing.

The project is planned for completion by June 2023 at a cost of $20 million. This has already been funded by the state government.

Key upcoming steps include:

March 2021 – Public Meeting presenting surveyor report as realignment and reconstruction is dependent on this report on agreed realignment and possible land acquisition. Land acquisition remains the only future point of potential contention with affected landowners.

April 2021 - Construction expected to commence.

Snowy Monaro Regional Council is proudly working in partnership with Snowy Valleys Council on this project. This is a great example of regional cooperation to maximise community benefit across the hard-hit Snowy Mountains region.

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