Please be advised that weather permitting, sewer infrastructure work has been programmed to commence in Therry Street, Bombala.

The work will be carried out by contractors Fewster Brothers Pty Ltd.

This essential work is expected to commence on 18 January 2021 and is expected to be completed by 21 January 2021.

Road closures will be required to ensure the safety of staff and the general public whilst this work is undertaken and traffic control measures will be put in place. Access to Therry Street from Caveat Street will be possible and diversion of traffic through the gym carpark from Forbes Street will also take place.

The work will take place in the area where the Bombala streetscaping project was recently completed. A small amount of the new concrete pathway that was constructed will be disturbed as well as some grass in the area. The contractor will ensure this is reinstated to the current standard of work once the work in Therry Street is complete. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) had initially been proposed to construct/install the pipeline under Therry Street, however, the contractor has found that HDD cannot be used due to the trees, statue, gym carpark, etc. There is insufficient space for the machinery and pits needed and so trenching will need to be used. Any other road pavement and paths affected by the work will be repaired/replaced as part of the project works.

Council apologises for any inconvenience this work may cause and asks residents and motorists to be mindful of construction crews and machinery that will be working on and around this project.

Any enquiries can be directed to Council’s Manager Water and Wastewater Operations on 6451 1587.

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