Better Local Roads: Glismann Road/Beaconsfield Avenue and Princes Highway intersection upgrade Published: 20 January 2021

Cardinia Shire Council has now started preliminary works to upgrade the Glismann Road/Beaconsfield Avenue and Princes Highway intersection in Beaconsfield. 

The intersection will be upgraded to be a fully signalised intersection with: 

upgraded street lighting  pavement widening on Princes Highway  a new left-turn slip lane into Beaconsfield Avenue  extended right turn lane into Beaconsfield Avenue  dual right turn lanes out of Beaconsfield Avenue  extending Glismann Road to the intersection  pavement resurfacing  underground drainage upgrades  signalised bicycle crossings  landscaping works. 

The Glismann Road/Beaconsfield Avenue intersection is the second Old Princes Highway intersection project after O’Neil Road intersection works under a broader program to upgrade a number of priority intersections along the Princes Highway in Cardinia Shire over the next three years.   

The program is funded by Cardinia Shire Council’s Better Local Roads – Princes Highway Intersection Project ($17.8 million) and the Australian Government’s Urban Congestion Fund ($17.8 million).  

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor and local Beacon Hills Ward Councillor Brett Owen said traffic modelling identified several intersections along the highway needing an upgrade to cater for increasing traffic volumes.    

“Council is committed to improving roads across the shire, and we have a number of exciting and innovative roads projects underway as part of our Better Local Roads Program.   

“As well as the Princes Highway Intersection Project, we’re also creating more sealed connections throughout the existing road network through the $25 million Strategic Sealed Roads Project and the $150 million federally-funded Sealing the Hills Project. We will continue to strive to improve the standards of our roads to increase safety and comfort for all road-users,” Cr Owen said.  

Federal Member for Latrobe, Jason Wood said, “I am very proud to secure federal funding to upgrade eight intersections along the Princes Highway between Pakenham and Beaconsfield. The Glismann Road/Beaconsfield Avenue intersection is the second project after O’Neil Road intersection works. 

“The Liberal Morrison Government’s Urban Congestion Fund ($17.8 million) to upgrade a number of priority intersections along the Princes Highway in Cardinia Shire will cut travel times and make roads safer while boosting jobs and the economy,” Mr Wood said. 

The Glismann Road/Beaconsfield Avenue and Princes Highway intersection works are expected to be finished mid-2021.   

For more information, visit  

From left, Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Brett Owen and Federal Member for Latrobe the Hon. Jason Wood MP pictured at the site of the Glismann Road/Beaconsfield Avenue and Princes Highway intersection upgrade.

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