The public consultation period for Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s draft Rural Land Use and Settlements Strategies has closed.

Council has received more than 300 submissions during the three-month consultation period; conducted over 40 public consultation sessions in the preceding months; and held meetings with landholders, farmers, community groups and government agencies.

This period of consultation was communicated through Council’s website, Facebook page, on radio, in newspapers and was shared directly on 17 Facebook community noticeboards. In addition, approximately 2200 letters were sent to potentially impacted landowners.

The Snowy Monaro Your Say (online) page on the Rural Land Use Strategy has been accessed more than 5000 times, while the Settlements Strategy Your Say page has recorded over 2500 visits.

Council also held 36 in-person consultation sessions across the region, in conjunction with nine online Zoom sessions for even greater public accessibility. There were a further five in-person full-day information stations held throughout the period, right across the region.

Local farming, indigenous, and business groups were met with. There were an additional 300 phone conversations with community members and organisations conducted, and 200 people have registered for updates through Council’s mailing list.

Council’s Strategy Team will now review all written submissions. The community’s views will be given priority consideration and factor substantially into the next revision of the plan. Those who submitted will be advised when revised strategies will go to Council for consideration.

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