Statistics released today by Snowy Monaro Regional Council show a continuing trend of positive outcomes for local dogs passing through Council facilities.

Across Council facilities, in the 2019/20 reporting period, more than 92% of dogs taken in were released to either their owners or to volunteer organisation to be cared for and rehomed.

“We take animal welfare very seriously at Council,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“It’s our priority to ensure that as many of our four-legged friends as possible are reunited with their families or go on to find new homes in the community. The figures released today demonstrate our commitment in this area.”

The release of figures coincide with National Love Your Pet Day on 20 February 2021. Pet owners across the Snowy Monaro are encouraged to spread the love by ensuring their pets are properly fed, watered and fenced-in at home and are always properly restrained in public areas.

Council would like to remind residents that registration is required for all companion animals in New South Wales. The registration fee goes towards animal services and facilities in the region.

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