Council has made the switch to 100 per cent renewable-sourced electricity by striking a deal with energy provider Infigen Energy. The agreement will see a host of benefits to our environment, as well as to Council’s bottom-line.

We’re excited as this means we will:

Slash Council’s carbon footprint by about 80 per cent. This is the equivalent to a reduction of around 20,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year – which is more than the yearly emissions of 2,800 homes! Cut an estimated $1.9 million from our energy bills over the next seven years, with savings meaning that ratepayer’s money will be diverted to other important services and infrastructure. Power all of Council’s 382 sites and streetlights with renewable-sourced electricity. Shave years off our commitments from the Environment & Climate Change Strategy to swap to renewable electricity by 2030, and reduce our overall carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2040. Take an important step towards reaching our goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2045.  Help the regional economy, with the renewable electricity sourced primarily from wind turbines at Infigen Energy’s Bodangora site near Wellington in NSW. See Council join other progressive organisations switching to renewables including Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, Telstra, Sydney Opera House, University of NSW, University of Newcastle, Monash University and University of Melbourne. 

Interested in learning more about reducing your household’s carbon footprint by switching to renewables? Visit our Simplifying Solar pages to find out more.