Snowy Monaro Regional Council today announced the release of the online disaster dashboard as part of a pilot program rolling out across 27 councils across NSW.

On the Snowy Monaro Disaster Dashboard residents will find real-time information on all emergencies in the local government area, information on preparing for emergencies and any assistance available to help individuals recover from disaster. The site pulls information from sources such as the RFS, LiveTraffic, Essential Energy and NSW DPIE.

The dashboard shows COVID-19 cases, fire incidents, flood incidents, road conditions weather radar, power outages, emergency news, and has links to ABC Radio and Council.

The service gives residents access to all relevant government information in one place, in real time. Data is collated by the Resilience NSW Regional Disaster Preparedness Program and displayed in an easy-to-understand format over a map of the area.

The Resilience NSW Regional Disaster Preparedness Program assists local governments in building on their capability to prepare for and respond to local emergencies.

“The 2019/20 bushfire season in the Snowy Monaro demonstrated how unpredictable and fast-changing emergencies can be,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“Having immediate access to local emergency updates, as well as advice on preparations and potential risks will be of great benefit to our community. The new dashboard demonstrates Council is committed to providing residents with every possible resource in times of need.”

Residents are encouraged to visit and bookmark the page. All browsers are supported, but full functionality is only available on up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

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