Nominations for four (4) position on the Dalgety Showground Section 355 Management Committee are now open and close Thursday 25 March 2021.

This committee plays a vital role in providing and managing a Council facility for the community. The committee provide a valuable link between user groups and the community, providing feedback on activities through the active participation in discussions and decision-making.

Council is seeking nominations from people interested in becoming an energetic member of the Dalgety Showground Section 355 Management Committee.

Nomination forms can be downloaded via the below link.

Please submit applications via: Email [email protected] PostPO Box 714, COOMA NSW 2630

Alternatively, you can hand deliver your application to one of the following Customer Service locations: Cooma81 Commissioner Street, Cooma NSW 2630

Berridale:2 Myack Street BERRIDALE NSW 2628

Please contact Council’s Governance team for any further information on 1300 345 345.

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