This past Sunday was Clean Up Australia Day and the Snowy Monaro community was out in force looking after our local environment.

2021 was the biggest year for the region in quite some time. Local businesses kicked things off during the week with numerous local organisations getting out and getting involved. Thredbo Resort had 38 people attend their event, who together collected more than 20 bags of rubbish in their small area alone.

“The Snowy Monaro always steps up to do their part for the community and our environment,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“This past week’s Clean Up Australia Day events demonstrate our community’s commitment to looking after each other and the beautiful part of the world we call home.”

Some of the common litter items collected during Snowy Monaro clean ups were coffee cup lids, baby wipes, face wipes and tree guards. The Thredbo team also found a discarded beer-drinking hardhat with cans still attached. It’s certainly interesting what random items are often found in the clean ups.

The volume of waste collected by each small event in the community highlights the need for residents and visitors to make sure they look after their rubbish, and keep the Snowy Monaro beautiful.

The clean ups in Jindabyne and at Memorial Park in Cooma were particularly well-attended and made significant contributions to our region’s efforts on the day.

Registered clean up teams were permitted to dispose of their collected waste at Snowy Monaro Regional Council landfills and transfer stations free of charge.

For more information about Clean Up Australia Day and full coverage of the national event, please visit

For more information about waste and recycling in the Snowy Monaro, please visit

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