Sunday 7 March 2021 saw a highly successful 77th annual Dalgety Show at the new and improved Dalgety Showground.

Making its public debut, the all new pavilion was the home of the hotly contested categories of art, photography, baked goods, flowers, fruit and vegetables. Judging and displays were held in the pavilion for the first time since a complete overhaul of the venue by Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

This project was achieved using funding from the Stronger Country Communities Fund under the NSW State Government. The pavilion is the main facility at the showground and the project included a new roof, kitchen and disabled access bathroom.

“After extensive renovations that saw the whole building pulled apart, renovated and put back together again, it’s incredibly exciting to see these renewed facilities being put to use by the community,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“Council commends the Dalgety Show Society for their immense effort in executing such an ambitious program and our Snowy Monaro community for turning out in extraordinary numbers to support the event on such a beautiful day.”

The upgraded facilities will be a great asset for Dalgety and the wider region, with Council’s efforts ensuring that the community will enjoy safe and modern amenities for many years to come.

For more information and a full round-up of the day’s events please visit

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