Community consultation workshops discussing the Snowy Monaro Regional Trails Masterplan begin next week with events to be held across the region.

Residents and trail-users are encouraged to participate in the consultation process. The series of workshops and the online YourSay feedback/information portal will provide the community with multiple ways to have their voices heard on this important project.

“Our trails are a key driver of tourist numbers to our region in the warmer months and a valued amenity for our residents,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“The Regional Trails Masterplan will be drafted in consultation with the Snowy Monaro community to identify trail opportunities that will benefit our people and our economy.”

The Masterplan aims to boost the Snowy Monaro’s reputation as a mountain biking, cycling, trail running and walking destination. It will ensure that Council is building trails that people want, where they want them and in a sustainable way. All input will be considered.

The first two community workshops are being held in Michelago on Tuesday 9 March from 5.30pm to 7pm and Jindabyne on Thursday 11 March from 6pm to 7.30pm. Attendance can be in-person or over Zoom.

Further workshops will be held in Adaminaby on 16 March from 6pm to 7.30pm, Bombala on 17 March from 6pm to 7.30pm and Cooma on 18 March from 6pm to 7.30pm. Registration is required to attend a workshop. To give your feedback online or register for a workshop event, please visit

The workshops will be facilitated by Tredwell Management, a leading Australian company that specialises in trail planning, sport and recreation projects, and open space plans. They will prepare the masterplan for Council following research and community consultation.

Tredwell specialises in identifying and capitalising on existing trails, recognising opportunities and determining a clear vision for trails in your region. Their work includes the Great Blue Mountains Trail, Perth Hills Trails Masterplan, Toowoomba Region Trails Network Strategy and more.

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