Thanks to a grant from the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund to Snowy Monaro Regional Council, funding from $1000-5000 is available for suitable small-scale community activities.

Funded by disaster recovery arrangements between the Commonwealth and State governments, applications are open now through until 9 April 2021 and the community is encouraged to apply.

Projects need to meet specified Disaster Recovery Outcomes to qualify for grant funding. These are: •The needs of vulnerable groups are addressed in disaster recovery •The community is aware of the disaster recovery processes •The community can express its changing disaster recovery needs •Community members are aware of the risks of future disasters •The community has improved capacity and capability to respond to future disasters •Business and not-for-profits have in place adequate mitigation practices for risks and threats •Government, private sector, civil society and organisations are engaged in plans for preparedness and management of the recovery

Grants between $1000 - $5000 will be awarded for projects to: •Bring communities together in a supportive environment through activities that are relevant to their interests •Deliver grassroots, community-led health and wellbeing activities that build community resilience •Facilitate programs that enhance the communities’ disaster preparedness skills •Locally led activities that support communities in recovery •Support community-led bushfire commemoration initiatives •Enhance leadership skills in school-aged students •Deliver locally-led business recovery initiatives that improve the capacity and capability of businesses, organisations and industries to respond to future disasters including mitigation practices for risks and threats plus initiatives which support communities overcome the social impacts of the bushfires •Purchase assets that support community groups to have improved capacity and capability to respond to future disasters

Grants cannot be used for: •Events and activities that are not new or have been held previously •Initiatives that duplicate existing activities and services •Activities that are better suited to other grant programs •Activities that are difficult to link to bushfire recovery •Initiatives that are likely to depend on future funding •Purchase of alcohol •Projects that subsidise commercial activities and business as usual expenses

For more information and to lodge an application before 9 April 2021 please visit our Your Say site via the below link.

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