Have your say on plan to develop ‘wildlife corridors’ across Cardinia Shire

Be part of a plan that will save wildlife, increase vegetation, improve waterways and help set environmental priorities for the next decade, through Council’s draft Biolink Plan consultation.

A 'biolink' is a wildlife corridor that connects pockets of native vegetation so wildlife can move more easily between areas. 

The draft Biolink Plan consultation is open until Friday 30 April 2021. 

The draft plan uses the latest technology in wildlife species computer modelling and aerial vegetation mapping to identify key wildlife areas and potential ‘biolinks’ across Cardinia Shire. 

The consultation asks residents how they can support native plant and animal habitats on their property. The consultation’s key feature, an interactive map activity, asks residents to drop markers and make comments about how and where they can support wildlife corridors. They can also highlight areas on the map that they think have significant biodiversity value, or areas they think should be reprioritised.   

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Brett Owen said the draft Biolink Plan shows where new wildlife corridors are needed across the shire.  

“The creation of new biolinks will enable us to connect the highly fragmented vegetation across the shire. This in turn will encourage the movement of wildlife, increase the genetic diversity in breeding populations, and ensure the long-term viability of our native animals,” he said. 

Cr Owen said the plan will provide a long-term strategic direction for Council’s environmental works over the next ten years. 

“Programs will be better focused to direct resources and investment on the most important conservation areas.” 

Cr Owen encouraged the community to participate. 

“We’re asking people to have a look at the plan and consider how they can support native plants and animals on their properties. This could be through a variety of conservation management actions such as weed control, pest animal control, revegetation, and installing nest boxes or fencing to protect native vegetation,” Cr Owen said. 

Community safety is paramount, and the Municipal Fire Management Planning Committee will be a collaborative partner in the design of all large scale biolinks. 

The draft Biolink Plan complements Council’s other significant environmental work, including the Sustainable Environment Policy 2018-28, Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Weed Management Strategy. 

View and interact with the community biolinks maps and have your say at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/creatingcardinia    

The community is also invited to learn more at Council’s online Biolink Workshop on Thursday 15 April from 7.30pm-8.30pm. For more information or to register, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/creatingcardinia     

Feedback is open until Friday 30 April 2021. 

For more information on the draft Biolink Plan, phone Council on 1300 787 624 or visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/creatingcardinia 

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