Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) is undertaking an evaluation of the Farm Management Deposits Scheme (FMDS) to ensure it meets the expectations of primary producers, and operates efficiently.
As part of this, they are running a public consultation process, and want to hear from primary producers. They are looking for feedback about:
how the FMDS is runhow it does/doesn’t help producers manage through tough timesother ways primary producers manage risks and how these compare to the FMDSFeedback on the outcomes, impacts, costs and benefits of the FMDS will support government decisions on the ongoing implementation of the FMDS.
Producers can have their say either by completing a survey or uploading a submission (eg. a statement, or a letter). They can do so via the following website, up until 26 April 2021:
Many thanks!
Claire Butler | Regional Recovery Officer, Far West NSWNational Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery AgencyDepartment of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Based in BalranaldM: 0427 563 876 | P: 02 6228 6465E: [email protected] | W: