Work crews have worked throughout the Easter long weekend to remove significant amounts of slip material from land slip sites between Dorrigo and Bellingen, with significant progress also being made towards stabilising the slopes at priority worksites along Waterfall Way.
Consequently, Transport for NSW has advised that it expects that Waterfall Way will be reopened with some single-lane restrictions between Dorrigo and Bellingen later this week, subject to further geotechnical investigations, which can only be undertaken once the current wet weather system has passed.
Further, Council wishes to advise that geotechnical investigations and associated repair activities will also commence at the two significant road pavement failures on Kalang Road once priority works along Waterfall Way are completed.
Please also note that the 5-tonne load limit for the second Kalang road pavement failure at the 14-kilometre mark has subsequently been reduced to a 4-tonne load limit, given the severity of the failure, and Council will continue to liaise with affected road users.
Consequently, Council continues to encourage our community to only travel when it is necessary to minimise impacts on our compromised roads, as there are limited resources available to address the significant number of defects across our entire road network to maintain essential access.
Council also encourages our community to regularly access our Shire’s Disaster Dashboard, by simply clicking here (link is external)(link is external)or by going to the Bellingen Shire Council’s website at and click on the Disaster Dashboard link prominently located on the website’s Home Page.
Finally, Council would also like to thank the members of our community who have taken the time to complete the Bellingen Shire Disaster Impacts Survey, which is helping Council provide a picture for the State and Federal Governments about how our Shire has been impacted.
To take advantage of the opportunity to complete our Shire’s Disaster Impacts Survey, simply click on the following link; is external) and Council thanks you in advance for your feedback and may contact you should relevant future support become available.
Primary Producer Disaster Recovery Grant
Disaster recovery grants of up to $75,000 are now available to primary producers in LGAs affected by the NSW storms and floods that have occurred from 10 March 2021. Apply direct online via the Rural Assistance Authority at .
Alternatively, phone Service NSW on 13 77 88 and ask for the Primary Producer Disaster Recovery Grant administered by the Rural Assistance Authority.
Information about this grant and other support available for those impacted across our Shire can be found at .