Transport for NSW has advised that Waterfall Way has reopened this afternoon for all road users between Dorrigo and Bellingen. Road users are advised to expect potential delays as there are a number of locations operating under a single lane restriction to allow ongoing repairs at priority worksites along Waterfall Way.

Motorists are kindly requested to observe all onsite signage and traffic control arrangements during these works and recommend that road users allow extra time for their journeys.

Subsequently, our community is encouraged to continue to only travel when it is necessary to minimise the impacts on this compromised section of road, as there are limited resources available to address the significant number of defects present along Waterfall Way.

Please note, the re-opening of Waterfall Way, albeit under restricted traffic flows has been significantly brought forward due to work crews operating and managing multiple worksites in parallel since the road closure including working throughout the Easter long weekend and this week to ensure our community is provided with essential access along Waterfall Way.

Further, Council will advise of any additional changes to current traffic management arrangements and thanks you in advance for your cooperation and patience during these works, which will focus on conducting further geotechnical investigations, slope stabilisation and associated repair activities at priority worksites along Waterfall Way.

Please also note that the 5-tonne load limit for the second Kalang road pavement failure at the 14-kilometre mark has subsequently been reduced to a 4-tonne load limit, given the severity of the failure at this location as Council continues to liaise with affected road users.

Council also encourages our community to regularly access our Shire’s Disaster Dashboard, by simply clicking here (link is external)(link is external)(link is external)or by going to the Bellingen Shire Council’s website at and click on the Disaster Dashboard link prominently located on the website’s Home Page.