Join the Sustainable Lands Project for our third event of the Sustainable Lands series, as we visit Mulloon Institute Farm.

As part of their Sustainable Lands Project, the Snowy Monaro Regional Council will be bringing interested community members to the Mulloon Institute to learn about landscape rehydration, sustainable land management, soils and soil health, erosion control and leaky weirs. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Bus Departures and Returns Departing Jindabyne at 7.30am, returning at 5.20pm

Departing Berridale at 8am, returning at 4.50pm

Departing Cooma at 8.30am, returning at 4.20pm

The meeting point to be confirmed via email.

The Sustainable Land Series Snowy Monaro Regional Council in partnership with Upper Snowy Landcare is excited to introduce the Sustainable Lands Project. This project is supported by the Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment through funding from the Australian Governments National Landcare Program.

Through a series of 12 free workshops and field days, delivered over two years, the project will help landholders to better understanding and apply sustainable land management principles.

Experts on Soil Science, Holistic Farming, Traditional Land Management, Native Plants, Biosecurity, and our local Monaro Champions of Regenerative Agriculture will meet to share knowledge and experience and inspire others in the region to adopt sustainable farming methods.

By connecting farmers and landowners with industry champions, this project hopes to support a connected, resilient, community of practice. Meeting local champions on their farms will demonstrate firsthand the benefits of adopting sustainable land management behaviours and encourage everyone to ‘have a go.’

Landholders are encouraged to participate in the project’s Community Based Social Marketing initiative, which aims to identify and address common barriers to adopting sustainable land management methods.

Due to COVID restrictions, you must please pre-register to attend this event. A COVID plan will be in place, including entry/exit points and social distancing of 1.5m.

If you have any questions please contact Council's Biosecurity Extension Officer Angela Sharp via email [email protected] or by phoning 1300 345 345.

If you would like to use your own vehicle to attend the event please contact Angela to make these arrangements.

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