Heritage grant applications now open

Applications for Cardinia Shire Council's Heritage Grants 2021–22 are now open.

The grant program helps support our community in identifying, preserving, managing and promoting Cardinia Shire’s heritage places. 

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Brett Owen said grants of up to $5,000 in matched funding are available to help repair or conserve places and sites of heritage significance.  

“If you own a heritage home, shop or building in the shire that needs some love and restoration, Council may be able to assist with our heritage grants. 

“The heritage grants program was developed to provide some financial assistance towards maintenance of these heritage sites, that play a fundamental role in creating a sense of community identity.  

“Examples of past grant receipts includes the Koo Wee Rup Swap Historical Society, which used their grant funding to revamp and reopen the main building and old gaol at Mallow House. 

“I encourage historical societies, community groups and individuals to consider putting forward ideas that can help protect Cardinia Shire’s history for our future generations to enjoy,” Cr Owen said. 

Eligible applicants and projects can apply for grants of up to $5,000 in matched funding to help with projects seeking to: 

repair or conserve places and sites of heritage significance, including significant trees  complete capital works to improve community access  develop conservation management plans, or  develop and install interpretive signage. 

Applications for staged projects will be considered. Privately-owned heritage places will only be considered for funding if they are used or accessed by the community. 

Heritage places eligible for funding include those listed in the Heritage Overlay of the Cardinia Planning Scheme. To check if a site is covered by a Heritage Overlay, visit https://cardinia.pozi.com, enter the street address and select 'Zones and Overlays'. 

For more information, including full eligibility criteria, and to apply, visit Council’s website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/heritagegrants 

For enquiries, please call the Environment and Heritage team on 1300 787 624 or email [email protected]  

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