The current window for public feedback on the Michelago Masterplan closes 6pm Monday 10 May 2021, after multiple stages of community consultation.

Members of the public looking to get involved before public consultation concludes are encouraged to head to Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s YourSay community feedback page.

“What we heard in our initial stages of consultation on this project was important and clearly-put,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“As Michelago continues to grow and develop, we need to ensure the character of the village is preserved, its heritage places are protected and that economic growth is encouraged and fostered in a sustainable and appropriate way.”

The project began with background studies and a preliminary online survey, progressed through a series of workshops, and is now at the stage of public exhibition of scenario options, before ultimately progressing to finalisation.

The community has further opportunity to get involved with public drop-in sessions being held at Michelago General Store on Monday 26 April 2021 from 10am to 2pm, and Saturday 1 May 2021 from 9am to 12 noon.

Public feedback will directly nominate the scenario which the draft masterplan will be based on. There will be a final opportunity to comment on the draft masterplan once prepared.

To find out more or have your say on this important project, please visit is the below link.

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