Local community and sporting groups share in $159,000

Posted on April 22, 2021

Denison State School tuckshop volunteers Brenda Welch and Rowena Reeves are excited about their new fridge.

From cricketers and golfers, to horse enthusiasts and tuckshop lovers, the first round of the 2021 Central Highlands Regional Council community grants program will see groups from across the region share in more than $159,000.

Every year council offers two rounds of community grants for sporting clubs and not-for-profit organisations to purchase equipment, repair facilities or promote and stage events.

Twenty-seven applications were received for this round and assessed by the Community Grants Committee, with 19 applications successful.

The Denison State School Parents and Community committee were among the lucky recipients, securing $5000 to put towards a new fridge for their tuckshop.

‘Our current fridge constantly leaks and is on its way out,’ tuckshop manager Rowena Reeves said.

‘It will be heaven to not have to come in regularly and check that the temperature is alright.

‘We don’t just use the fridge for tuckshop, we use it for the chaplain’s weekly breakfast club, any school functions… we have a sports day coming up and we’ll be overloading it with stuff so it’s definitely needed.’

Rowena said after having limited fundraising opportunities in 2020 due to the pandemic, funding initiatives like the community grants program were essential to getting projects off the ground.

‘The size of the school has increased dramatically,’ she said.

‘It’s important for our facilities to be able to keep up.’

Mayor Kerry Hayes said council’s annual grants program is a vital investment in the community and sporting organisations which contribute to making our region strong, vibrant, and liveable.

‘Last year was tough for a lot of our local clubs and groups, so it’s great to see them looking ahead again and planning for the future,’ he said.

‘I would encourage all local organisations to have a look at the criteria of our grants program and apply in the next round.’

The next round will open in July. For more information about the grants program click here.

Full list of recipients Organisation Project Total $ Blackwater Junior Motorcycle Club Water truck 20,000 Capella Cricket Club Ice machine 5,000 Denison State School Parents and Community Fridge for tuck shop 5,000 Dingo Race Club Security and cleaning services 5,000 Dingo Tennis Upgrading bar facility 5,000 Duaringa State School Parents and Citizens Portable shade 4,804.10 Emerald Bowls Club Airconditioning upgrade  17,760 Emerald Jockey Club Outdoor furniture  5,500 Emerald Karting Club Shade structure 13,069 Gemfields Community Support Association Healthy Home Hampers  5,500 Gemfields Gun Club Water bore installation  20,790 Gemfields Lapidary Club Gem cutting machine  4,000 Gindie Tennis Club Outdoor seating and replace water tank  4,934.80 Palmgrove Pint Pot Campdraft Association Ambulance cost  2,500 Retreat Creek Working Horse Club Training clinic  5,000 Springsure Country Golf Club Cold room  22,000 Springsure Jockey Club Fencing to patrons’ area  11,257.18 Springsure Lions Club Trailer  5,000 Springsure Pastoral and Agricultural Society Maintain horse stables  5,000