Snowy Monaro Regional Council has been kept busy addressing ongoing acts of vandalism across the region, with police, community and Council working together to combat this antisocial behaviour.

National Graffiti Removal Day was recognised nationwide in mid April, with Council, local skaters and youth working together to paint over a significant amount of profane and unsightly vandalism across the Cooma Skate Park. Murals and artwork were left intact.

Little more than a week later, however, Council has already had to respond to new graffiti vandalism in the region. Crews were out most recently on Thursday 22 April 2021 to remove and paint over new defacement along the north road into Jindabyne.

“It is disheartening to see this ongoing vandalism and disrespect. However it’s heartening to see so many examples of the community and Council working together to address an ongoing problem in our region,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“I encourage anyone who sees vandalism in our community to report it to police and for graffiti specifically to the NSW Graffiti Hotline on 1800 707 125.”

Council submits police reports for each new vandalism and graffiti occurrence, with local police patrolling regularly. Under the law, graffiti is classed as malicious damage of public assets and penalties apply under the Graffiti Control Act 2008 (NSW).

Enforcement and remediation are only part of the solution to graffiti and vandalism. Through their youth services team, Council is pursuing opportunities for public art, youth education and workshops in partnership with local artists and funding bodies.

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