28 Apr 2021 All suburbs Airds, Ambarvale, Bardia, Blair Athol, Blairmount, Bow Bowing, Bradbury, Campbelltown, Claymore, Denham Court, Eagle Vale, Englorie Park, Eschol Park, Gilead, Glen Alpine, Glenfield, Gregory Hills, Holsworthy, Ingleburn, Kearns, Kentlyn, Leumeah, Long Point, Macquarie Fields, Macquarie Links, Menangle Park, Minto, Minto Heights, Mount Annan, Raby, Rosemeadow, Ruse, St Andrews, St Helens Park, Varroville, Wedderburn, Woodbine, Woronora Dam, Outside LGA,

Campbelltown residents now have an opportunity to help set the direction of Council over the next 12 months after the Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan was placed on public exhibition.

Councillors endorsed the $318 million draft budget to go on public exhibition at last night’s Council meeting.

The document outlines a $128 million capital works program to build, maintain and enhance the city’s infrastructure as part of the draft program.

“Our Delivery Program and Operational Plan showcases the how Campbelltown is moving forward over the next 12 months and some of the many exciting projects that are on the way,” Mayor George Brticevic said.

“This public exhibition period is an opportunity for people to share their own ideas for the city and have their say on this important document,” Cr Brticevic said.

“Along with the big ticket items, it also contains the day to day tasks that our community values such as road and building maintenance,” he said.

The draft budget includes $25.5 million to be spent on pedestrian and road-related infrastructure.

Previous commitments to the delivery of key grant and Council funded facilities, such as the Campbelltown Billabong Parklands and the Campbelltown Sports and Health Centre of Excellence, is also reflected in this year’s plan.

As part of Council’s ongoing commitment to delivering fun and exciting family-friendly events across the city, $700,000 has been allocated for community events and activations.

Almost $5 million will be invested into purchasing new plant equipment, library books, playground equipment.

Other projects included in the draft 2021-22 budget include:

Completing the Raby Road upgrade at Eagle Vale Drive intersection Construction of amenities at Seddon Park, Glenfield Enhancing Passfield Park, Minto Renewing fencing at Jackson Park, Woodbine Ingleburn Reserve Picnic Area redevelopment Redevelopment of Keith Longhurst Reserve, Minto Heights New exercise equipment at Harvey Brown Reserve, Blair Athol Developing the master plan for Lynwood Park, St Helens Park

The draft Delivery Program 2017-2022 and Operational Plan 2021-22 is on public exhibition until 28 May.

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