With a fantastic outlook to the harbour’s glistening waters, Little Manly Point Reserve is much-loved and a-buzz with activity on any given day with picnickers, people out exercising or fishing and children playing.
We’re proposing to upgrade the playground and include a new toilet block close-by. The playground design is inclusive for all children and inspired by local Aboriginal heritage. It includes a play and swing area for different ages and abilities, a nature trail, as well as new seating and access improvements.
The amenities building design includes unisex accessible and ambulant toilets, and a baby change table, and will nestle into bushland at the western end of the carpark, complementing the surrounding landscape.
Anna lives nearby and has two kids under five who love going to the existing playground and are really looking forward to the upgrade.
"I’m beyond excited – it’s such an incredible space and outlook which has been underutilised for some time now. Injecting new life will be excellent for the children and families of the Little Manly area and wider community."
Zena who lives across the road with her two young kids, has gone to the park daily for the last three years.
"As a family, we visit the reserve multiple times a day to walk the dog, have a play after school, ride our bikes and have a picnic in the park. We often need to go home to use the toilet so the new bathroom facilities are very welcome. The playground upgrade has the kids super excited and they are already talking about taking turns on the inground trampoline."
The project is part of the Little Manly Reserve Landscape Masterplan, and is part of Council’s ongoing improvements to this area. Just last year, Council rebuilt and improved Little Manly’s beautiful Tidal Pool. Check it out!
Learn more and have your say
Chat to Council staff at an onsite drop-in session - Thursday 13 May, 9.30-11.30am, or Saturday 22 May, 2.30-4.30pm, or view the concept plans and have your say online. Comments closing Sunday 30 May.