The Australian Local Government Women’s Association NSW Branch and Snowy Monaro Regional Council are hosting a free forum to encourage and help guide local women through the process of nominating and running for election to council.

With the next local government elections in NSW scheduled for Saturday 4 September 2021, the ALGWA’s “Getting Women Elected Forum” to be held at The Snow Mountains Traveller’s Rest, Cooma on Saturday 29 May 2021 is the perfect opportunity for local women who want to make a difference in their community and learn how to get involved from those that have done it themselves.

“Representation is so important in politics. Councils in our region have lagged behind much of the rest of the country in electing, or even running, female candidates in our local government elections,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“To any women in the Snowy Monaro who have ever considered politics, I strongly encourage them to attend this important forum.”

Less than a third of councillors across NSW are women, making our state second last for female representation in local government.

What: Women in Local Government - Female Forum Who: Women of the Snowy Monaro region When: 9am – 12 noon, Saturday 29 March 2021 Where: The Snowy Mountains Traveller’s Rest, 583 Snowy Mountains Highway, Cooma Cost: FREE How: Registrations are essential and are open now via the below link.

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