Snowy Monaro Regional Council has today announced that work on upgrades at Adaminaby Wastewater Treatment Plant will get underway from Monday 31 May 2021.

Following a community consultation in December 2020 and a subsequent open tender process, the complete overhaul of the wastewater treatment plant in Adaminaby will be of enormous benefit to the community for many years to come.

“Council is grateful to the Adaminaby community for their feedback and cooperation throughout this process of consultation and coordination,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“These upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant will ensure the community will benefit from world-class wastewater infrastructure that meets the needs of the growing township.”

The facility will continue to run throughout the upgrade process, however access to the easements through Crown Land to the treatment plant from Snowy Mountains Highway will be closed to the public from Monday 31 May 2021.

Community groups have been informed of these changes. Discussions with groups that assist with management of threatened species on Crown Land will be held to ensure they have alternative access to continue their work.

Once complete, the renewed facility will meet all conditions stipulated by the NSW Environmental Protection Agency’s Pollution Reduction Program. The upgrades have been designed with Adaminaby’s future growth in mind and will readily cope with growing demand over time.

For more information, please contact Council on 1300 345 345 or visit

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