Residents and employees of Yallambee Lodge in Cooma celebrated International Nurses Day last week, recognising the contributions of some of the hardest working people in our community.

One resident at Yallambee, Lou, devoted 40 years of her life to helping others and serving the community through nursing and midwifery – 33 of those years at Cooma Hospital. The nurses and support staff were on-hand to show appreciation for Lou and her lifetime of service.

Lou remembers her time as a nurse fondly and stated “I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Cooma Hospital, I made a lot of good friends there. All the staff were lovely.”

Staff and residents enjoyed a morning of cake and refreshments, with all the nurses at the centre celebrated for the selfless work they do for the community.

“Our nurses do incredible work every day to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of our communities,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“It’s an often thankless job that is physically and emotionally taxing – but in rural and regional communities like the Snowy Monaro that have historically been underserved by medical services, the work of nurses is absolutely crucial.”

International Nurses Day is an initiative of the International Council of Nurses, celebrating these unsung heroes of the medical world every year on Florence Nightingale’s birthday.

The focus this year was investigating and showcasing what nursing will look like in the future, and how the profession will transform.

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