The recommended option for rates harmonisation across the Snowy Monaro region has been determined following a second Extraordinary Council Meeting held in Cooma.

A single motion was presented at last night’s meeting, in support of Option 2 (a simplified rates structure), which will lead to the same base rate and ad valorem rate applying to most properties across the region. There was no opposition to the motion, however, a number of Councillors sought final clarification of the impacts to confirm their understanding.

Additional information provided on the impacts of the changes, that will result from the new rate structure options, led to Councillors agreeing they had sufficient understanding of the implications of the options presented to them and that the implementation of a clear and simple rating structure would benefit the community most into the future.

This resolution means Council will meet the legislative deadline for rates harmonisation and public exhibition of the rates structure.

Councillors commended the community members responsible for their contribution to the option ultimately adapted and adopted as the simplified rates structure, as well as Council employees for their extensive work on the options modelling to reach this conclusion.

It was resolved that there will only be one subcategory, in the Business category, which is for the centre of activity being electricity generation. All other landowners across the entire region will fall under either the business, farmland or residential categories.

A base rate will be applied to comply with the requirement for only 50% of the rates levied to come from this base rate. The ad valorem (cents in the dollar) rate will then be calculated to raise the maximum permissible yield available to the Council. These changes will not lead to Council receiving any more rates revenue overall.

It was also recognised by Council that the community strongly values the principle that those who benefit are contributing to the services they benefit from. Following each election, the Council will review whether the rate structure aligns with where community benefits are provided.

The revenue policy, which contains the rate structure, is now on exhibition to the public on the YourSay Snowy Monaro website.

Links are being loaded to the council website and social media today. Hard copies will be provided for community review at all council offices and libraries. A rate calculator will be on the YourSay website so residents can assess their level of impact.

The exhibition period will close on Thursday 24 June 2021.

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