Eligible local Landcare groups, environment networks and community groups working on bushfire recovery projects can now access funding of approximately $50,000 – and landscape scale partnerships projects of up to approximately $300,000 in a new grants program funded by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.

The $14 million Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants program is supporting Landcare bushfire recovery projects in seven government designated bushfire regions across Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia impacted by the Black Summer bushfires of 2019/2020. 

It is essential that you read the Guidelines and criteria for the Grants Program. 

Click here for eligible regions

Eligible applicants are invited to apply for grants in two streams: 

Community grants up to approximately $50k  Landscape Scale Partnership projects – larger/consolidated projects to approximately $300k 

The 29th April 2022 completion date is fixed and there are no allowances for extensions on project completion. 

When planning activities in your project, you will need to consider the timeframe carefully. 

What sort of activities can be funded? 

Examples include:

Pest / feral animal management / control. Weed management / control. Erosion control to protect waterways and repairing riparian areas. Habitat augmentation, including provision of shelter (such as nest boxes and artificial hollows). Revegetation and regeneration, including tree planting using native plant species that are known to be indigenous to the site and represent the type of vegetation community, existing on the site before the 2019-20 bushfires, or historically. Seed collection and propagation of native plant species for use in revegetation (applicants are responsible for identifying and obtaining appropriate permits for land access and collecting seed). Fencing installation to protect sensitive or regenerating areas with clear environmental / conservation benefits (e.g., to protect refugia, sensitive or regenerating areas, pest exclusion, stock exclusion from natural water sources etc.) Protection of unburnt habitat/refugia. Contractor works for Project Outcomes. Expert flora and fauna surveys, habitat mapping, data recording, citizen science and education, where these form part of a project that includes on-ground bushfire recovery activities. Supporting the establishment of legally binding conservation convents on private property  Management to maintain landscape integrity (e.g., Indigenous fire and land management activities). Eradicating or reducing the impact of diseases. Engaging with local communities and Indigenous land managers aimed at bushfire recovery efforts in the seven identified bushfire regions. Providing planning and advice, knowledge and education to local communities and Indigenous land managers regarding bushfire recovery of species and ecological communities.  Many other activities may be eligible, please contact the Applicant Support Team to discuss.

Given the tight deadline, will I receive help to complete required activities and report?

The National Landcare Network, State and Territory Landcare Organisations and Landcare Australia have staff ready to assist all applicants throughout this entire process. Our Applicant Support Team will reach out to groups and organisations, answer all questions and enquiries and help to put applications together. We completely appreciate the tight turnaround involved and understand the challenges. We are here to assist in any way we can.

We recognise the tight timeframes for the funding available, which are unable to be extended. We suggest looking to this funding as an opportunity to extend existing programs or bring in professional support (contractors, etc.) to help with project delivery.   Applications will close on June 16, 2021  Find out more and apply now!

Who do I contact for further information? Please contact Jane Nguyen [email protected]