Snowy Monaro Regional Council is holding a public hearing in relation to the reclassification of Council owned land in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

At its ordinary meeting on 18 February, 2021 Council resolved to support a Planning Proposal to: • Reclassify land adjacent to the Snowy River Hostel - 7A Jindalee Street, Berridale (Lot 10 DP 1130244); and • Reclassify Yallambee Lodge - 1 Binalong Street, Cooma (Lot 10 DP 1266613)

from Community Land to Operational Land in order to reflect the appropriate land classification. These sites are or are adjacent to existing Council owned aged care facilities. The intent is to investigate options in relation to transitioning to a new aged care service provider.

In accordance with Section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993 a public hearing will be held into the proposed reclassification of these parcels of Council owned land. A report identifying the properties affected and the reasons for the proposed reclassifications can be found on Council’s website or the Planning Portal (search PP-2021-2495).

Two public hearings are scheduled to ensure that the community’s views are heard. • Berridale Community Hall, Monday 28 June 2021 at 5pm • Cooma Car Club, Tuesday 29 June 2021 at 5pm.

If you would like to participate in the public hearing, please register by emailing [email protected] or phoning Council on 1300 345 345.

Registrations are to be made by 12am on Sunday 27 June 2021.

The public hearing will be chaired by a person who is independent of Council. The public hearing provides the public with an opportunity to make a short verbal presentation to the chairperson of the hearing. Written submissions will also be accepted by the chairperson on the night.

Following the public hearing, the chairperson will prepare a report on the hearing, a copy of which will be publicly available once it has been received by Council.

Individual presentations should be no longer than five minutes each.

Any enquiries should be directed to Council’s Senior Strategic Land Use Planner, Brooke Davey on 1300 345 345.

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