123 Film Competition
City of Brimbank 8 Jun 2021

Calling on Victorian youngins, teenagers, and young adults!

Cinespace’s 123 Film Competition is back in preparation for Victorian Youth Week 2021, and we want to hear from the young people that you know!

We’re looking for young filmmakers and creatives aged 12-25 that have a short form screen idea. We want to hear your voice and see what you can do with 3 minutes!

Cinespace invites filmmakers and creatives from all backgrounds to apply, including those from First Nations, CaLD, LGBTQIA+ and disabled communities.

In order to encourage young Victorians to engage with communities outside of their own, the 123 Film Competition for 2021 requires all submitted works to engage with cultural and linguistic diversity, inclusive of First Nations, in a manner of the filmmaker’s choosing (i.e., narrative, character casting, themes, genre etc). Intersectionality is encouraged!

We hope to foster a generation of culturally competent young creatives that can practise responsible filmmaking, and invite applicants to use the competition as an exercise to experiment with diverse practises!

Details Entries open: June 2nd Entries close: June 28th Winner announced: July 2nd

Format Applicants can make a submission for two categories: • Short Film – 3-minute film. • Short Series – 3-part series; each episode to be a maximum of 1 minute.

All formats are accepted, and it’s up to you what platform you want to feature your project on (YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, IGTV, TikTok) – just make sure it is public and that you can link us to it in your application! NOTE: Applicants can only make one submission per category.

Application & Guidelines In order to apply, applicants must: • Be between 12-25 years old. • Be a Victorian resident. • Submit a project that falls into one of the formatted categories. • Submit a project that engages with diversity in a manner of the filmmaker’s choosing. • Submit a 200-word statement on what steps the filmmaker/s took to ensure that their project’s diversity was done responsibly and with consideration to the represented communities.

Winners Best Short Film: Winner: $300 prize money; free hire of Cinespace filming equipment for one shoot. Runner up: free hire of Cinespace filming equipment for one shoot.

Best Short Series: Winner: $300 prize money; free hire of Cinespace filming equipment for one shoot. Runner up: free hire of Cinespace filming equipment for one shoot.

...plus all prize winners will get a digital "film laurel" to use with your film and on your resume!

The winning entries will be featured on the Cinespace YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Email the competition coordinator, Nazli Sevinc at [email protected] for any questions about the competition.