It’s shaping up to be a winter wonderland in the Snowy Monaro with Council recently announcing its action-packed calendar of youth activities and events for the upcoming school holidays.

Activities are scheduled across the region from Bredbo in the north to Bombala in the south, with a huge variety of options. Spaces are limited for some activities so anyone interested in getting involved should RSVP without delay. Activities are open to young people from 5 to 12 years or 12 through to 18 years.

“Our Council is proud to offer an entertaining and enriching calendar of youth activities and events throughout the year,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“Supporting our region’s young people is incredibly important, and youth programs are a key part of providing a positive and constructive environment for the young people in the Snowy Monaro.”

Research has shown youth programs offer a significant range of benefits to the young people that participate in them.

A review of the scientific literature by Dr. Jean B Grossman and Meridel J. Bulle in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that among the positive outcomes, participants achieved better academically, have better mental health and engage in less risk-taking behaviour.

Council wishes to thank Y Space NSW and Berridale Out of School Hours (OOSH) for their partnership and support in delivering activities.

To RSVP for one of the school holiday activities or for more information: 5 to 12 years: Contact our Bombala or Cooma Library on 1300 345 345. 12 – 18 years: Contact our Youth Development Team via email [email protected] or by phoning 0437 135 092.

Monday 28 June - Movie - Cooma Library - 2pm - Ages 5 – 12 Tuesday 29 June - Free movie - Jindabyne Cinema - Time to be confirmed - Ages 12 - 18 Tuesday 29 June - Street art workshop - Cooma Y Space - 11am to 3pm - Ages 12 - 17 Wednesday 30 June - LEGO Play - Cooma Library - 10.30am - Ages 5 – 12 Wednesday 30 June - Arts & Crafts - Adaminaby School of Arts - 2.30pm - Ages 12 - 17 Wednesday 30 June - Pop-up cinema - Adaminaby School of Arts - 5.30pm - Ages 12 - 17 Wednesday 30 June - Pizza & Dessert - Cooma Y Space - 10am- 3pm - Ages 12 - 17 Wednesday 30 June - LEGO Play - Cooma Library - 10.30am - Ages 5 – 12 Thursday 1 July - Excursion to Canberra National Museum of Australia - 9.30am to 4.30pm - Ages 12 - 17 Thursday 1 July - Craft: Colourful Winter Trees - Cooma Library - 10.30am - Ages 5 - 12 Friday 2 July - Movie Marathon - Cooma Y Space - 10am to 6pm - Ages 12 - 17 Friday 2 July - Laser Tag & BBQ - Berridale Hall - 10am to 12pm - Ages 5-17 Friday 2 July - Painting Workshop - Jindabyne Memorial Hall - 10am to 2pm -Ages 12 – 18 Friday 2 July - Movie - Bombala Library - 10am - Ages 5 – 12 Friday 2 July - Craft: Colourful Winter Trees - Bombala Library - 11.30am - Ages 5 – 12 Monday 5 July - Movie - Cooma Library - 10.30am - Ages 5 – 12 Tuesday 6 July - Free movie - Cooma Twin Cinema - Time to be confirmed - Ages 12-18 Tuesday 6 July - Art & Crafts - Bredbo Hall - 2.30pm - Ages 12-17 Wednesday 7 July - Pop-up cinema - Bredbo Hall - 5.30pm - Ages12-17 Wednesday 7 July - Macrame Day - Cooma Y Space - 11am-3pm - Ages 12-17 Wednesday 7 July - Pizza & Pop-up cinema - Bombala Hall - 2.30pm - Ages 12-17 Wednesday 7 July - LEGO Play - Cooma Library 10.30am - Ages 5 – 12 Thursday 8 July - Craft: Snowflakes - Cooma Library - 10.30am - Ages 5 – 12 Thursday 8 July - Cooking with Cath - Cooma Y Space - 11am - Ages 12-17 Friday 9 July - Movie - Bombala Library - 10am - Ages 5 – 12 Friday 9 July - Craft: Snowflakes - Bombala Library - 11.30am - Ages 5 – 12

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