Please be advised that on 1 June 2021, the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service certified a revised Bushfire Prone Land (BFPL) Map for the Snowy Monaro Local Government Area.

The revised BFPL Map has been prepared and certified in accordance with section 10.3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The recently certified BFPL map has been prepared using the revised categories identified by the (RFS) and updated vegetation mapping. The new map is necessary because the NSW Rural Fire Service has changed the previous two (2) categories BFPL classification system to a three (3) category BFPL classification system; this is reflected in ‘Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019’.

Any development (including minor works) on properties impacted by the BFPL mapping will require an assessment under Planning for Bushfire Protection Guidelines and relevant construction standards.

Snowy Monaro Regional Council offers planning services to the community, including a duty planner available on weekdays and pre-lodgement meetings to discuss planning implications for larger or more complex proposals. Information on building in bushfire prone areas can be found on the NSW RFS website – see

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